
3ddi3 avatar image
3ddi3 asked

Upgrading my system with new multiplus II for bigger power


I would like to upgrade my multiplus II 3000 to bigger one, cause 3000VA Is not enough for charging my consuption. I have 5.2kwp panels, 2 Multiplus II 3000VA, Victron MPPT 150/100, Venus, pylontech batteries 10.8 kw.

I would like to change that inverters for 5000 VA, to cover in every phase up to 4kw power. Do I need upgrade something more in my system to reach that ?

I have 2 phase system with 2 inverters.

My idea Is, when batteries are closely full, that should give +- 4kw and rest from panel, So the sum should be up to 8kw in 2 phases.

Is my idea right ?

Thank you for reply

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5 Answers
3ddi3 avatar image
3ddi3 answered ·

My system Is 48V

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kai avatar image
kai answered ·

I'm assuming when you say 2 phase you mean the US-style 120v split phase arrangement. Below list is not exhaustive, I'd suggest:

1) Check ampacity and length for your cables (AC and DC side) for your higher currents.

2) Check that your battery capacity is sufficient for your desired operating pattern. 10.8kWh means at full tilt your bank is going to be depleted from 100% in less than an hour.

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3ddi3 avatar image
3ddi3 answered ·

Kai, thank you for reply. I am in Europe, we Are using 230V system. Yes my batteries Will be down in 2 hrs. But if I increase the inverters, I Will be able to use more power together. But Iam not sure if something In this system need upgrade also, or if Its ok only the inverters. If there Is something which deny to use up to 4kw in each phase.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi. You have European 230V and 2-phase loads? 2~ loads aren't common, and if just 2 circuits is a different animal. And may be able to be treated differently.

If your wiring, fuses, etc. are up to spec then there shouldn't be an issue making it work.

How Pylons would deal with it, and warranty claims when you tell them what you have connected, is something you may need to consider/determine..

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3ddi3 avatar image
3ddi3 answered ·

Guys, thank you for replies. Dont worry about system. We Are using 3 phases system up to 400 V. One phase appliances has 230V. I have only one appliance for 3 phases together, Its our electro boiler for heating And hot water preparing. So I changed all connection of one phase appliances to 2 phases which Is powered by PVpanels through inverters And covered by batteries. I have 2 inverters, one per phase. On the third phase Is connected boiler directy to grid only.

When I changed connection of all appliances at house from 3 phases to 2 phases, I have bigger loads in these 2 phases when the appliances working in same time. So i found that, my multiplus II 3000, Is not enough power, cause IT can pass only 2400W to one phase. If I change IT for 5000 version, I can pass to one phase up to 4000W. But I am not sure if I need to change something else in my system if I want to reach that value.

I am not sure if that Will work, if 3pcs of batteries pylontech us3000 plus 5.2 kwp panels can reach together to this values (up to 4+4 kW).

I am trying to maximize the saves from PV energy at my home. Because in our country does not work netmetering And I dont want to send the rest energy to grid. Its forbiden without agreement And it is not Worth IT.

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