
antonio-della-fiacca avatar image
antonio-della-fiacca asked

MPPT Error 119 after Firmware update

I have performed FW upgrade on my MPPT 70/15 from v1.09 to v1.46 via Venus GX, but it has returned error code 119 after it. Now I need to perform factory reset on it, but I do not know how, since it is not accessible via VictronConnect. Can I use old mpptprefs SW instead and where can I download it?

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hello @Antonio della Fiacca, Our apologies, I will send you an email with a resolution.

Mpptprefs is totally discontinued, and no longer supported at all. It is still possible (for now) to get a copy. You will need to register for Victron Professional as an installer, and then visit this section to get to this link. You may also need to rename the file extension .exe

For others, who may be in the same situation please fill in this form for service.

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