
rory-kennard avatar image
rory-kennard asked

Generator not giving full power

Hi There, my generator when kicks in due to SOC being at 35% is only giving the amount of watts that the load is needing, it used to give 6000w no matter what powering the load and the batteries, could you tell me why it is being told not to give the full power?

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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@Rory Kennard, I'm afraid you'll need to give a lot more details about your system and all connected devices before any of us can begin to help you; most generators can't be "told" by any Victron systems how much power to put out, so we'll need to know what kind of generator, what it's powering, how it's connected, etc etc.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi Rory,

I have a trick you might like to try while getting more information about your system for a more detailed/specific answer.

It requires a GX device, go into the MultiPlus in the menu, then the Advanced Menu, then Click to start Equalisation. Then immediately cancel the Equalisation, and when it asks what to do, select "Restart Absorption".

There could be any number of other causes/solutions though, which need more info.

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