
driagon avatar image
driagon asked

Setup VAN for two three-day outings

Hello everyone in the meantime I introduce myself my name is Francesco and I'm trying to set up my Van @ivandriagon on instagram , I'm having serious difficulties in choosing the right electrical system for my needs.

My idea is to be out on the open road for 2-3 days , powering a small fridge , a water heater , a hairdryer , lights and sockets , and normal utilities , with moderate use.

Not being sure about creating a system on my own I approached a company that offered me this configuration and labour for 6000 euros .

First I wanted to find out if the configuration is correct for my needs , the connection diagram I made myself sorry it is ugly .

Do you recommend different components and different connections ?

I have a good dexterity I think I can manage to make it on my own , I have to figure out the appropriate cable cross sections though .

Thanks again



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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Hi, we don't encourage broad design topics on the forum as per our guidelines.

This really is a discussion for a specialist installer or supplier.

If you intend to DIY, you really should first start with all the free online training before you start buying anything.

It is too easy to make expensive mistakes.

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