
patrick-genx avatar image
patrick-genx asked

Why does my Node-RED flow only work when I am on Node-RED interface?

Hello everyone,

I have created a small Node-RED flow to control the switch of the Multiplus II to avoid worrying about the "issues" of reinjection regulation:


The hysteresis function gives:

If SoC < X% then Switch to position 3 (ON mode, I prepare the inverters to require the grid)

If SoC > Y% then Switch to position 2 (Inverter only mode, no need for the grid)

My problem:

When I keep the Node-RED interface open, the flow works very well (yes, the flow is deployed), but as soon as I close the Node-RED interface, the flow no longer acts on the inverter.

I have the impression that my flow is overridden by the Victron configuration as soon as I close the interface.

The hardware setting of the system:

3 MPPTs 150-60 / 2 Multiplus 2 5KVA in parallel / Cerbo GX / Home-made 10kWh LiFePo battery (no communication with my BMS yet)

The setting of the Multiplus 2:

No virtual switch / ESS Assistant installed and configured correctly.

A small explanation to know where I am going wrong would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Best regards,


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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Bit difficult to comment when you can't see the actual flow parameters, functions etc.

Flows do run irrespective of the interface being open, and those settings aren't likely to be overwritten by the system.

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