
lafdil avatar image
lafdil asked

Can I Charge a 12V Battery Using an AC/DC 12V Adapter and a BlueSolar PWM Light 12/24V-10A

Hi everyone, I want to charge a 12V battery using an AC/DC 12V adapter and the BlueSolar PWM Light 12/24V-10A SCC01001000. Is this possible? I have already set up this configuration, but the solar LED is still off.

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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

It's not intended for that, so is an unsupported use of the product. While in theory plausible if one understands the basic necessities, it's still unsupported and you may well end up causing damage to one or more of the components involved - and may have already done so, which might explain the lack of response that you're now seeing.

Why not just get an AC to DC charger and do it correctly?

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