
bluemasters avatar image
bluemasters asked

Victron Orion XS (the new one) seems to lose contact over VE Direct

Description of failure: Orion XS after two weeks of work start loosing Ve.Direct signal.Ekrano GX can see it, but Connected Status changing from Yes to No , and No to Yes every 5 seconds. I tried to re-install Ekrano GX OS with full reset to default settings I tried to manual update Orion XS firmware to 1.03 (again)

I tried to use different original Victron cables : 10m(inside boat covering) and 5m (direct to device)

I tried to use different connection : 1,2,3 on back of Ekrano GXIn same system I have Smart Shunt with Ve.Direct connection (10m) and it's works fine.

Any ideas ?


Ton van der Reijken

orion xs
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @BlueMasters

It’s possible the connection is loose where the port meets the circuit board on the XS, please contact your dealer.

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