
sharpharp avatar image
sharpharp asked

SmartSolar MPPT 150/85-MC4 VE.Can - How to connect panels the best way???


I have a Victron Energy SmartSolar MPPT 150/85-MC4 VE.Can Charge controler which has 3x Sets of mc4 inputs connections possible.

At the moment I have 2x 400W Solar Panels (both solar panels face the opposite direction of each other ) and are connected to each other in Parallel and then come in on 1x MC4 Input on the Charge Controller.

I was wondering if my current setup is ok, or should I bring in the Solar Panel outputs seperately for each panel into the Charger Controller, so each has it's own Input on the Controller, effectively then i would be using 2x MC4 inputs on the Charge Controller.

I want to achieve the best setup for charging 12V batteries and loads connected to the batteries.

So in summary, do i keep panels connected in parallel or bring in seperately to their own inputs on the charge controller?


MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

The 3 sets of MC4s are in parallel so the only difference would be the voltage drop in the wiring between the panels and the controller.

You would see an improvement by running separate charge controllers on each panel. With them in parallel, the panel receiving the most sun will shut down the other panel. With separate controllers each panel will remain active as long as there's enough sun on them.

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