
drtsr1 avatar image
drtsr1 asked

MPPT 100/50 No led lights, Status of OFF

I have 3 MPPT 100/50 with single 420w panel connected.

Each controller has been working properly since late November, yesterday the sun came-up and the MPPT stopped working. Generated 3w in total for the day.

Has No led lights, status on the app. says OFF

Other 2 controllers working fine.

Any thoughts would be great. HELP

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Post the PV/battery voltage charts. Any errors reported? Historical charts? We don’t have a crystal ball, so help us to help you.

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drtsr1 avatar image drtsr1 commented ·

How do I get these charts?

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ drtsr1 commented ·
If you don’t know how, you really need to be involving a skilled installer or supplier.

Plenty of manuals available for you to skill up.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @drtsr1,

While I agree with Nick that it might be for the best to contact an installer to have a look at your installation, I am also interested to see what the data holds.

To the info please connect to your MPPT with VictronConnect, and then take screenshots of the history.

This presumes you have the SmartSolar product and not the BlueSolar product. If you have the BlueSolar, then the next step really is best to talk to your dealer unless you also have the bluetooth dongle.

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