
Sander Stolk avatar image
Sander Stolk asked

Prices from EPEX not right

This is my graph from the VRM Portal which my Multiplus II GX uses for DESS in Green mode:


However the prices in my app from my provider Tibber are this:


I've restarted the Victron MP2, I've selected another provider from DESS en switched back. Nothing helps...

I've noticed that my TIbber app was not showing the right prices until yesterday evening 22:00.

Maybe EPEX had a API malfunction and the VRMN defaults it to this graph above?

It should be almost negative around mid-noon according to EPEX:


dynamic ess
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2 Answers
Sander Stolk avatar image
Sander Stolk answered ·

Already in this topic around this time there was an answer since the market Entsoe and Nordpool had an issue yesterday.

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Sander Stolk avatar image
Sander Stolk answered ·
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Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.