
clivehaywood007 avatar image
clivehaywood007 asked

Multiplus 2 load output problem

Hi I have a Multiplus 2 48 10000. It's only giving me an output load of 3.8kw and draws any extra from the grid.

faulty multiplus 2
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2 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

can you be more specific, what are the components in your system and specs

and how is everything connected and setup?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
And programmed. Do you have a GX?
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clivehaywood007 avatar image
clivehaywood007 answered ·

Hi the multi uses a cebo gx connected to six pylontech us5000. I have 4kw solar which is controlled by an energy meter to charge batteries.

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