
chris H avatar image
chris H asked

ESS Dynamic

Dynamic ESS. I have just signed up to Octopus flux tariff (UK) which varies both for import and export during the day and I would like to program ESS to take full advantage, I am somewhat daunted as to how to do this and any advice would be very welcome.

What I wish to achieve is as follows
1 if the battery at 24:00 hours is less than full then it would charge at the cheap rate between between 2 – 5 at night
2 during the period between 2 – 5 battery will not discharge to the consumer unit
3 that say 6 kilowatt hours (the estimated baseload for this period) will only discharge to the consumer unit between 16 – 19 hours which is the peak charging period for import from the grid
4 any surplus held in the battery above 6 kW will be discharged during the day.

This is possible and how do I do it!

dynamic ess
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@chris H

Dynamic ESS does that. You do need the ess assistant installed. Then you configure it through the VRM.

Very simple to set up using the walkthrough process.

You can manually set up the cheaper periods.

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chris H avatar image chris H commented ·

many thanks for your prompt help

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Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image
Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) answered ·

Well, Octopus UK flux tariff isn't supported on the VRM implementation yet. Though we are already doing some testing with it via the Node-RED implementation. Once that works nicely, VRM implementation will follow soon after. I expect support to be added within a few weeks.

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