
bauercs avatar image
bauercs asked

Blue Smart IP67 Charger Waterproof

Hi, so I’m having trouble with one of my chargers it’s a blue smart ip67 waterproof charger 12/25. When I plug it into mains power nothing happens. No led light up and nothing shows on blue tooth it’s like it’s completely dead. Has anyone experienced something like this before? Are the any user serviceable fuses or something?

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4 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Sorry, I think it's a return to dealer.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Since this is a completely sealed charger to achieve the IP67 rating there is no way to open the charger to replace some thing.
But you have 5 years warranty so just contact your dealer to get it replaced.

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riaggie avatar image
riaggie answered ·

Yes, having same problem but intermittently. Sometimes it powers up other times not. Did you get a answer to your problem?

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abeness avatar image
abeness answered ·

Mine also failed recently (dead LEDs, no BT response), at about 3.5 years, and the dealer replaced it the same day they received it back. Cost me about $21 shipping, but now I've got a newer unit.

I do wonder how it can get so hot and be expected to serve a long life. On this new one, in 77F ambient temp I registered 148F during full output of 25A for some hours. Too hot to touch comfortably. Victron specifically states that it won't fail due to overheating, but will throttle back current delivery if it gets too hot. I wonder what counts as too hot! And I wonder what sort of electronics can handle being cooked at this temp repeatedly. I normally place the unit in the intake path of an exhaust fan, so it usually gets some active cooling. Here's hoping the replacement lasts longer than the first one.

Kudos to Bay Marine Supply in San Diego, CA, USA, for processing warranty replacement immediately. And to Victron for having a legitimate 5-year warrranty on the unit.

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