
msomers avatar image
msomers asked

Multiplus II shows discharging when charging and Ext control when discharging

I am using three pieces of Multiplus II (in three phase config) connected to two Deye SE-G5.1 PRO batteries.

In the system setup, the battery shows up as an LG RESU battery.

Everything works fine, but one thing....

When the batteries are charging, the MSII shows discharging and when the batteries are discharging, the MII shows Ext control.

When I select Multiplus II on VE.Bus (as battery monitor), the MSII shows the right information (charging when charging and discharging when discharging).

Easy solving would mean change the battery monitor to Muliplus II on VE bus, but than the battery gets to deeply drained and I get a lot of errors.

I would prefer to let the battery bms decide when to charge/discharge. Is there an easy way to solve the problem mentioned above so the MII shows charging when charging and discharging when discharging?

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The problem is on the battery side. It is reporting to the GX incorrectly. That is what you proved by your test.

You will need to contact Dyness support about it. Maybe a firmware update will help or a protocol change on that side.

I also read a few days ago about a firmware update and the guy had to change the protocol the BMS used.

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bercut avatar image
bercut answered ·

Was it possible to solve the problem with non-reversible charge/discharge display?

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