
kocki avatar image
kocki asked

Victron Battery Monitor BMV-712 stops automatic data scrolling by itself, why?

In the Victron connect App I activated in settings -> display:

1. Current display

2. Consumed Ah display

3. State-of-charge display

and also Backlight always on for my BMV-712:


Then I activate data scrolling directly at the BMV-712 instrument by pressing the "-"-button for min. 3 sec. and data scrolling is tarted at the instrument.

But sometimes data scrolling stops automatically, sometimes after few hours, sometimes after few days and I didn't find out why. Then I have to restart data scrolling by pressing the "-"-button again for min. 3 sec.

It's okay for me, when I'm on board. But if not, and I check the BMV-712 via my webcam it's annoying.

Any idea what I can do to prevent stopping data scrolling on my BMV-712?



BMV Battery Monitordisplay
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1 Answer
kocki avatar image
kocki answered ·

I think, I found what happend.

Data scrolling stops, when an alarm occured (e.g. Low Battery Alarm), but it doesn't restart data scrolling automatically, when the alarm is gone.

@ victron: can you solve this problem

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Related Resources

Victron BMV battery monitors product page

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