
fantail avatar image
fantail asked

Quattro 15kW AC2-Output load rating not found in tech spec. What is it?

Quattro 15kW AC2-Output load rating not found in tech spec. What is it?

It maybe there under a different name??

I ma using the AC2-out relay to control the full load output of the inverter -- but need to confirm that the relay will take full load of the inverter output.

Have not found any information in the manual under AC2-Output ratings

I have setup GX to control the output via a relay and AUX port with two programmable assitsancts.


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

50A per the datasheet:


1716423736839.png (144.3 KiB)
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fantail avatar image
fantail answered ·

Thank you for that

which means almost full power 230V x 50A = 11500 11.5kW

rated at 25C as 12kW continuous output.

that will be close enough for our three phase systems.

thanks again.

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