
burton4290 avatar image
burton4290 asked

Are my AC loads being displayed incorrectly, or are my settings wrong?

After feeling like I’ve solved the world’s problems with tackling and succeeding with this project, I’m finally stuck and need to reach out for help.

My system has been in place for around 4 months working flawlessly.

Multiplus ii 24/3000

150/50 mppt

100/30 mppt

Up until today, I was using an assistant to ignore my AC input on the Multiplus when battery SOC is above 15% and connecting AC input when below 5%. Today I decided to tie a few additional circuits from my house into the sub panel the Multiplus feeds, and I was going to be in a situation where if everything in my house turned on at the same time, I’d hit the max amperage on my BMS.

I went into the assistant and kept the battery SOC settings the same but added the “ac loads” onto the assistant as well. I set the AC to be connected at 2000 watts for 5 seconds, and AC input to be disconnected at under 1990 watts for 10 seconds.

The issue I’m having and am at a loss for is the ac input will be connected when my ac loads hit around 1300 watts and will be ignored when the ac loads drop below around 1000. The functionality is performing as it should, but the wattage values it is supposed to be taking place at is way off.

Any thoughts or advice? Thanks in advance it’s driving my crazy!

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1 Answer
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

If the BMS disconnected your Battery, it mean, that you have underdimensioned your Battery.

A MultiPlus-II 24/3000 has 2400W, which mean 100-110A under full load with full batteries and 200-230A in short term overload.

Hence if your BMS kick in, your battery can not deliver the 110A and is definitively to small.

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