
belmont avatar image
belmont asked

AC coupling hybrid inverter

I have used PV inverter as ac coupled to Victron Quattro using Energy Meter ET112 on the PV inverter.

What if I use a hybrid inverter as AC coupled to Victron Quattro? In this case the energy flows in both direction in the Energy Meter ET112 (to charge the battery when no solar).

Can cerbo GX differentiate between PV inverter and PV hybrid inverter? Same display icon? During the night the hybrid inverter provide power, so the display as PV inverter can be misleading.

ac coupling
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1 Answer
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

It depends what you mean with a hybrid inverter

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Related Resources

AC-coupling and the Factor 1.0 rule

AC-coupled PV with Fronius PV Inverters

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