
kane-1 avatar image
kane-1 asked

Apsystems yc600 disable frequency shifting or rewiring

I'll try to see if there is anyone here who knows about it.

I have an APsystems yc600 microinverter system and a victron multiplus 2 3000va with batteries. During a power outage, solar inverters continues to generate power depending on the state of the battery (frequency shifting).

I installed more solar inverters and now the output exceeds the Multiplus 2 maximum limit. Victron has a Factor 1:1 rule so increasing power beyond limit is not recommended.
So I have limited the yield of individual panels, but now I lose the maximum yield.

I would like some of the inverters to turn off immediately during a power outage. Can I do this adjustings solar inverter settings? There is setting named "Island open set"? Options are "no issued, open, close". Now the value is "open".

Will this be achieved by adjusting the settings or should some of the inverters be placed in different parts of the system?

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3 Answers
maa avatar image
maa answered ·

the yc600 are not manageable by your multi so the 1:1 rule has no influence in your case.

you should place your yc600 in AC-in because otherwise you risk having battery problems in the long run.

Indeed if the grid is cut and your yc600 remains in ac-out1 their production will have to go somewhere and the problems will begin..

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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

OP says the yc600 work under frequency control!

If you connect the inverters in excess of the 1:1 rule to the AC2-Out they will automatically be disconnected on grid fail, would that work?

Or experiment with the settings. I am not sure what this means <There is setting named "Island open set"? Options are "no issued, open, close". > Try changing it and see what happens.

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maa avatar image
maa answered ·

do not confuse frequency control with shifting frequency!

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