
joergsc avatar image
joergsc asked

Node-Red maximum system grid feed in value

I want to send the "maximum system grid feed in" Value via Node-Red to the "Venus settings"
This works fine so far, but If I send a value >32767, I get "Error: Number outside range".
On the GUI I can set a higher Number, so I assume it's a setting on the Victron Nodes.

On the GUI I have also the Option "Limit System Feed In" (Systemeinspeisung begrenzen), there is no Node for this yet (at least I can't find it), is it automatically handled?
So maximum feed in value is "-1" the "Limit System Feed In" is unchecked and if value >0 the option is activated?

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3 Answers
Harold Halewijn avatar image
Harold Halewijn answered ·

Hi @JoergSC , have you found a solution for this? I'm also searching for the nodered flow to control the Limit System Feed-in but I can't find it.


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matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @JoergSC @Harold Halewijn

Do you just want to enable/disable the "Limit system feed in" if so you just pass -1 to the Maximum system grid feed found in ESS control node to disable it, or am i miss understanding what you need?

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That's what I want to do, but it is not working.
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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 Harold Halewijn commented ·

Hi @Harold Halewijn

It works for me. What version of venus os you running. Here's the test i did to make sure it was working.


Inject node as such:



And just to confirm this disables this setting: Normally i have set to 3400w but ran the above inject as a test and it's turned it off.


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Harold Halewijn avatar image
Harold Halewijn answered ·

Weird, first I wasn't able to control it but now it works. Thanks anyway, you helped me in the right direction.

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