
mdsulli avatar image
mdsulli asked

Wire size/quantity

I am installing a Victron Multiplus 12/3000/120. The manual calls for 2x 1/0 wires between inverter and the batteries, My question is would there be any downside to running a single 4/0. The distance between the battery and inverter is short about 4’. I know 4/0 is very thick and can be difficult to work with but I will going from the battery to a fuse then a switch and my thought is it would be easier to run a single 4/0 instead of parallel 1/0

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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1 Answer
KämpingVan avatar image
KämpingVan answered ·


It should be okay to use the 4/0 wire. We have done it for the same reasons, to keep it simple to connect the cable lug to the fuse. Check out on YouTube, they have done some installs with the 3000 Multiplus and have used the 4/0 wire.

2 |3000

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