
cdsolar avatar image
cdsolar asked

Why does my SCC disappear in VRM when scanning for firmware?

screenshot-20240331-063957.pngI have:

SCC 150/35, firmware 1.63

Venus OS 3.3 on a Raspberry pi

VE.Direct USB cable (genuine) between the two.

In VRM, if I do a scan for firmware updates, and then immediately go to the dashboard after it is finished, the SCC has disappeared! However, if I wait up to my refresh interval, it reappears in VRM.

I know of at least one other pi user that this happens to, and a Cerbo user where it does not happen.

I suspect the firmware scan interrupts/resets/interferes with the USB driver or VE.Direct protocol.

I know VenusOS on a pi is not "supported" but it may be good feedback to Victron engineers that this is occurring. I can reliably reproduce this at every firmware scan.

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1 Answer
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·

Hi @cdsolar

This is behavior that can occur on any platform and shouldn't be raspberry pi or Cerbo specific. The reason is indeed that the scanning of the firmware update page stops all VE.Direct "drivers" as it needs access to the serial port. After the scanning, the "drivers" are enabled again, they will redetect the VE.Direct product and make it visible to the rest of Venus and VRM again.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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