
oskar avatar image
oskar asked

Prolong equipment lifetime AC vs DC charging


I would like to have a setting where I could choose to only charge the battery with the DC side (PV charger in my case). In summer days it would be enough to charge the battery. Then it would be nothing to convert until it is fully charged.

And to have all Solar on AC side (PV inverter) providing power to my AC loads or selling to the grid.

I think this would spare the lifetime of the MultiPlus inverters.

No are they running with fullpower on the fans to cool them down if all Solar charging the battery.


Or is this function available already some how?

Multiplus-IIess settings
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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

I doubt that will make any major difference to the lifespan of the system.

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oskar avatar image oskar commented ·
For me it would be 3-7 hours per day during 2/3 of the year where the inverters doesn´t need to run / run at high effect. Maybe it can spare a few years at least.

That what I believe at least.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ oskar commented ·
I would just pay a bit extra and get a 10-year warranty. Then you are free to use as you like.
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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


In the system design then the AC PV power should be on the input so it is not needing to be processed by the inverter.

And you switch off the internal AC charger so it is not charging from mains at all. Alternatively just do this one.

Then your scenario will be met.

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oskar avatar image oskar commented ·
The AC PV power do not need to be processed to the grid or to my consumption at AC loads.

But if used to charging the DC battery it needs to be converted.

Where in the menu can I switch off the internal AC charger?

I have only find ESS--> Grid feed-in--> AC coupled PV - feed in excess.

But it has no effect on my system, it still charges from AC and DC Solar.

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oskar avatar image
oskar answered ·

I did found a little workaround at least. I could configure the Dynamic ESS that Maximum battery charge power could be 2 kW in my case and then will the DC fill up that amount and there is no room to add AC power also.

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