
lee-gathercole avatar image
lee-gathercole asked

Multiplus 500 with SmartSolar MPPT 100/20


I have what I thought would be a fairly generic Campervan setup.

I have a Multiplus 500 that receives shore power acting as a charger and inverter when necessary, alongside a SmartSolar 100/20 that provides me some PV charge in the absence of shore power.

What I've noticed, when away, is that the battery drops to such a point that it won't power my fridge and I'm struggling to explain why. It feels like the PV charge is taking priority and can't charge the battery quick enough to keep with the load. It takes a few days to get this point and I'm struggling to recreate the scenario at home so not quite able to isolate the problem.

I'm considering getting a VEBus dongle see if that will straighten it out. The only other thing I've noticed is that the Multiplus gets into a flashing orange state pretty quickly, which just makes me think the issue comes down to it not really knowing the battery charge.

I'm a bit stuck, so any suggestions gratefully received.

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1 Answer
delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

If you're running a fridge 24/7 and the only thing charging is the solar, It just sounds like you're taking more out of the battery than the solar can put in.

Without more info it's impossible to say. What is your solar power, fridge power, battery capacity etc?

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