
Kelly avatar image
Kelly asked

4 AC sources 120/240 Marine Application

I can't find guidance nor a schematic for a yacht marine application with 4 AC sources to two Quattros for 120v loads with 240v pass-thru *while maintaining the manual panel switching that is existing. Something like an Inverter Enabled/Disabled that would include or exclude Quattors. Seems that if I use two Quattros into an autotxmr I'll have to have 2 of the AC's running (say both Gensets) when I really just want to select 1 AC input then add an AC input if power needs are required.

Thoughts? Thx.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Kelly avatar image
Kelly answered ·

Is a possible solution to use a transformer with multiple AC inputs (one to four AC inputs on their own tap) to add to the power without doubling voltage on output?

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