
Lars Filusch avatar image
Lars Filusch asked

Pi performance


i have two venus systems

one with a 3B+ and one with an old Pi2.

the 3B+ remote console an display feels much slower then the Pi2.

the Pi2 is w/o hardware display. only remote console.

both venus OS are up to date.

the CPU load on the 3B is very low.

CPU temperature is around 50C

Any idea why the 3B feels slower?


Raspberry Pi
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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 commented ·
I dont know the answer but interested to hear if there is a specific cause.

Just guessing is it maybe the pi 3b is using some power for GPU? How easy is it to unplug screen. Might be a quick test to see if that's the cause.

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Lars Filusch avatar image Lars Filusch matt1309 commented ·
i´ll give it a try
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1 Answer
johnny-brusevold avatar image
johnny-brusevold answered ·

I can verify that all pi become much less responsive after deleting

/etc/venus/headless file to enable connected display

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