
lpo avatar image
lpo asked

MULTIPLUS II GX did not upload data to VRM portal

Dear colleagues, I have a problem with the correct setting of the GX communicator incorporated / embeded in the Multiplus II GX. When the LAN is not available or WIFI, GX stored data probably but it does not export the data stored in the memory to the VRM portal when connection is again established . You do not know which type ( nanopi, beaglebone,cerbosgx or ccgx) and which semi-sed version of firmware is reliable and realy right ?

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

The GX has an SD card slot which is for extending logging when disconnected from VRM. It will store limited data without an SD card.

Any current combination of officially released firmware (3.21 Venus OS and 5.08 for the multi) should be fine.

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