
jdscarb1 avatar image
jdscarb1 asked

Multiplus 2 AC disconnected and not charging batteries.

Good Morning

We have 2 multiplus 2/3000/120 in parallel with 800Ah of lithium batteries and solar.

The system is on our RV which we live and travel. We moved yesterday (only about an hour) everything was working fine when we left. When I hooked back to the power our system will not charge the battery bank and says that the AC is disconnected (no pass through).

We have been running on battery power/ inverter since which, BTW, works great.

I have made sure that the firmware is up to date and checked all my settings including turning off the virtual switch. There are no error codes and the grid settings are good. Nothing seems to work. When I turn on the AC power at the breaker the system clicks back and forth as if it wants to switch over but something is holding it back that I cannot seem to find.

Anyone else have a similar issue or advice?

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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

If you have not done so already, check to make sure your shore power breaker has not tripped. Also check the breaker in the pedestal and all wiring.

Also, pedestal receptacles are often worn out from use and sometimes will not make a good connection.

The shore power breaker on my RV often trips when plugging in to the pedestal. In my case, it's due to the reverse polarity circuitry momentarily sensing voltage on the neutral and happens when ground and hot make connection before neutral.

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