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closecalls asked

Purple/green wire buck boost

Hi everyone I'm needing some help with where the purple/green wire go on the buckboosts and also the resistor. I've two 50a buck boosts connected I've completed all my wiring and fuses etc but now I'm left with figuring out how to connect these before I can complete the set up.

I can't find any complete diagrams all I've found is a picture of the purple/green wire inserted into the buck boost but no pictures of where it goes after that or what it's for and zero info about the resistor just wording saying it needs to be fitted

Thanks for any help.

smart buckboost
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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Reading the manual and looking at the TSconfig software?





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closecalls avatar image closecalls commented ·
I forgot to mention I've got two 50a buck boosts. So where would both purple and green cables go. Sorry for not having a clue I've basically followed diagrams for everything and everything as worked great I'm just struggling with this last obstacle. Thanks
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closecalls avatar image closecalls commented ·
Hi can the wires connect to a smart dongle ?
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closecalls avatar image
closecalls answered ·

Hi. I've been looking at that but I can't work it out. I've got the old buck boosts so it says I need to use them. I've got one end plugged in but where does the other go. Also how do I connect the resistor. TIA

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The resistors have to be connected inline of the wires.

Do you have a Victron Smart Lithium battery with BMS or an other Lithium battery with ATC signal? -> connect the green wire there and select the option in TSconfig
If not -> you don't need it

Do you want to control the BuckBoost with the vehicle D+ signal? -> connect the purple wire there and select the option in TSconfig
If not -> you don't need it

You don't know what ATC and D+ is? -> get help from a professional installer

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