
volksbar avatar image
volksbar asked

How to daisychain 4 BlueSolar 150/35 MPPTs to be in sync? (no VE.Can available)


I would like to sync four BlueSolar MPPTs (150/30) and to bring them all to the color control. And I read online that one could daisychain those MPPTs.

But there are no VE.Can ports on those BlueSolar units, where ethernet cables and terminators can be used to daisychain them. Only VE.Direct port is available on each mppt.

Any ideas/suggestions are highly appreciated!

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Only some of the bigger MPPTs have VE.Can.

With your MPPTs you have to use cables (or to USB) from each MPPT to the CCGX.

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snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

Even with proper connection to the CCGX, I do not believe they will be in sync as they would in a VE.CAN or VE.Smart network.

Sync charging is of limited benefit, so you're not losing much of anything.

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