
jallenbo avatar image
jallenbo asked

Blue Smart charger with modified sine-wave input


I was just wondering if it was possible to use the Blue Smart (IP22) charger (or any other battery charger) if its input is modified sine-wave? I'm thinking of buying one, but my generator does not have pure sine-wave output.

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3 Answers
ripper avatar image
ripper answered ·

It has worked for me on a cyclo converter generator and also a modified sinus inverter for over a year without a problem.

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kurtschuele avatar image
kurtschuele answered ·

I would like to know also. My former dealer said no, but without an argument. Espacially if there is an annoying sounding which appears sometimes with modified sinewave applications.

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enduro-sailing avatar image
enduro-sailing answered ·

Hi, I have tried charging my 12V battery bank with a Honda EX650 generator. It appears the IP67 blue smart charger does not charge correctly with a modified sinewave AC input from an older (or cheaper) generator. I believe this is due to the shape of the sinewave, but it could possibly also be related with frequency instability or power factor.

When I use a pure sinewave inverter to power the blue smart charger, the charging current reaches the set maximum value in the app (25A or 10A). In the 50Hz setting of the generator, the charging current varies continuously around 5-10A. In the 60Hz generator output setting, the current varies around 8A-15A, in the 25A charger setting. Also the charger has a tendency to jump to absorption before set battery voltage threshold, but this may be a separate issue with blue products. The charging efficiency of the blue smart charger is around 75% running of a modified sine wave from a small generator, which is better than the 35% efficiency I got with my ancient Constavolt charger.

When I use a high-end Studer inverter/charger with user selectable charging characteristics, I have no problems charging my power bank up the the generators full rated output (with high charge efficiency).

In this case Victron does not live up to their high-end reputation and the input AC spec sheet of their charger (which only states V and Hz intervals). I would stay away from this brand of AC to DC chargers in case it is intended to run from small non pure sinewave generator.

Victron if you read this, I would be very grateful for a reply, tip or comment from your side.

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