
james09 avatar image
james09 asked

VE Configure Charger settings

ved.jpgHello - we have a MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-48 and have tuned down the charger settings (20A) to allow for a smaller generator to operate without overloading (Honda E22i). Will this impact the amperage on the MPPT as well or not? hopefully not.

VEConfigure 3
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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Your settings here are only affecting the MultiPlus, not any other components in the system.

Personally I would turn down the AC Input Current Limit rather than the charger settings, but this way might work as well.

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Jason - UK avatar image
Jason - UK answered ·

@James09 It wont affect the MPPT. If you did at a later date want a global charge limit, you can do that within DVCC settings.

The settings noted in your post are for the MPII only.

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