
lynhnn avatar image
lynhnn asked

MPPT 250/60 with 6 series of 360 cells

I want to rearrange the array to have 6x2 instead of 3x4 right now. The specs says I can have up to 360 cells which is exactly 60cells x 6 panels in series. The panels are Renogy 320W. Please advise if I can do that without going over the open voltage limit of a MPPT 250/60 controller. Thanks

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

With a Voc 40,1V and a Temperatur Coefficient you exceed the 250V already at +9°C.

Your desired configuratiob is definitiv only suitable for the Sahara!

With 5 modules you can go down to -54°C which is suitable for deepest Winter, but not Syberia... LOL

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