
shadz avatar image
shadz asked

Low battery alarm on multiplus (276) when battery is fully charged.


I’d appreciate anyone’s assistance here, when the grid fails my multiplus registers a low battery alarm and high dc ripple, sometimes, and so the change over is not seem less, it takes about a minute, then it will switch on the power normally while the grid is lost.

I have a multiplus II and a dyness battery connected.

I have also had all the cables changed and the battery tested and rechecked, I just can’t get anyone who knows why the issue occurs

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Can you please be specific about what models?

Ripple can be a few things, from loose/bad connections, too small gauge of wiring through to too big an inverter on too small a battery (current discharge limits), all which can be made worse by grid brownouts or poor grid.

Low battery at the same time reinforces the above which would result in a voltage drop on cutover, which also brings the BMS into the equation.

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