
tday01 avatar image
tday01 asked

Can I Use SmartShunts like dumb shunts?

On my boat, I currently have a voltage monitor (not a battery monitor) attached to two shunts on the two battery banks. If I replace these "dumb" shunts with SmartShunts, can I also leave the wiring to the voltage monitor (just because it is there on the panel)?

BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @tday01,

It's hard to say 100% for sure without seeing them, but there is a pretty good chance you can.

A voltage monitor doesn't need a shunt at all, just a point of connection to the positive and the negative, and that should still be accessible, depending how it is wired now.

If you post a photo of the setup, it will be much easier to see how it's working.

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