
vanderkolk1 avatar image
vanderkolk1 asked

I own a victron energy battery monitor bmv-712 and hours dropping, but % showing 100%

I have a victron energy battery monitor bmv-712 in our camper van. When I am using more energy than bringing in (via solar or alternator), the readout on the monitor shows the battery hours dropping (quite quickly), but showing 100% on the percentage. Any ideas?

BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

The time remaining is calculated from the SOC, the discharge floor, the battery capacity and the current being drawn. There is also some averaging over a number of minutes to smooth the answer, the details of the calc are in the manual. Therefore, if you start up a heavy load compared to your battery size then the time remaining will reduce and as the time you have drawn the current for the time remaining will continue to reduce for a few minutes even if the time is too short for the SOC to start falling. Are you referring to something happening over 3 minutes or so or something happening over hours.

Some more description of your system, how is the shunt wired, is it a new system, screenshots of your battery settings in the battery monitor would be useful in helping you as well as some info on battery capacity and the current being drawn when the time remaining was reducing but the SOC was remaining the same.

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