
victronvalhowell6283 avatar image
victronvalhowell6283 asked

In VE Config Virtual Switch Question

What is the difference between the two choices "ignore AC input" and "dedicated ignore AC input".

I am trying to have my Multiplus give priority to solar over shore power. I have tried both options with mixed results. I have a BMV712, Cerbo and MPPT controllers (all Victron). I am not sure if I should select "enable battery monitor" in the General tab or let the selection of the BMV712 in the Cerbo set up be the default.

In either case, the system does not seem to engage shore power when it goes below a preset SOC.


VEConfigure 3
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1 Answer
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

I don't know the differences.

If you plan to do things via SoC, you need to enable the internal battery monitor in VEConfig. If you specify the BMV as the default battery monitor in the Cerbo, then it will override the inverter value with the BMV value.

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