
Lionel SEYDOUX avatar image
Lionel SEYDOUX asked

Bulk while SOC=100%

Under solar and/or generator, with lead OPzS batts, I stay in Bulk for 1 hour on so after CCGX shows SOC=100. Presently after 1 hour, Batt volts 25.95, Amps 30. How do I check/modify the voltages and what else on BMV or Multiplus 24/5000/230?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

The right button on your CCGX gives access to the multiplus settings. You might need to increase access level from User to Installer. BMV settings from Victron connect app ove Bluetooth.

A screen shot of the charger and BMV settings would help.

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