
max78 avatar image
max78 asked

prioritization of charging or feed-in

Is there a way to feed in as much of the PV power as possible while keeping the battery constant or only charging slowly? If the inverter cannot feed everything in.

With “Grid setpoint” you can set it to feed in a lot, but if there is less PV power, the battery will be discharged.

This then leads to an oscillation behavior. Charging/discharging the battery.

I would like to charge the battery slowly because my PV can supply more than the Victron can feed in.

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1 Answer
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @max78

I dont believe there is a built in function/feature for this. However I have seen folk attempt to achieve the same goal as you using node red/dynamically adjusting the grid setpoint.

I imagine you'd just write a function to the effect of:

if(PV > x && Loads - PV < 0) {

gridsetpoint = Loads - PV


gridsetpoint = 0


//Where PV is solar wattage, x is the limit of solar you want coming in before you enable this behaviour. You may want to adjust the threshold from loads - PV <0 to add a little buffer. ie

loads - PV < -400.

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