
pda1 avatar image
pda1 asked

Grounding- offgrid Multiplus 24/2000

I haven't installed my new Multiplus 24/2000 but want to do it correctly.

I'm completely and perfectly confused about how to properly ground my offgrid Multiplus 24v 2000 (120 VAC output)

My solar system is 2kW feeding a MPPT 150/60 with a BMV-712 battery monitor. The batteries are 2-12v-100ah (series for 24v) Battleborn- LiFePo4

Ok. So, the incoming AC from the grid to the Multiplus is grounded using the AC in and out ground wire which will be attached to the AC IN junction box (not on the MP) and the AC OUT junction box (not on the MP) There's a ground wire connection for Line IN and Line OUT on the MP. There's also a chassis ground connection which I have no idea what to do with.

Is this correct- the multiplus will have ONLY its chassis ground connected to the negative ground on the battery or the battery bus bar.

Really need some help on this.

Thank you

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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

The inverter ground stud is NOT connected to battery negative - unless you explicitly do this.

Presumably your domestic installation also includes an ground rod or earth spike, connected to the ground bus bar in the ac consumer unit? The ground stud on the inverter may (need) to be connected to this. The installation of this earth connection depends on the local regulations. This earth stud is internally connected to the earth terminal on ALL of the AC connections on the multi.

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Ground, earth and electrical safety

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