
ivica avatar image
ivica asked

Multiplus in parallel


I have one Multiplus Compact 800VA and one Multiplus 1600VA on the separate batteries (two separate systems; solar system and wind system). Can I put their AC output or AC input in parallel and make micro island grid? How can I control them with PLC (e.g. when is load 1000W, one gives 400W and one 600W and later if I want to change one 200W and one 800W or one off and one 1000W)?

Thanks for your support!


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Lucas BARRAU avatar image
Lucas BARRAU answered ·

You can't get them in parrallel, you need the same product type + same chipset number.

You might be able to get the 2 ACinput togheter, but i'am not sure.

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