
greg-walton avatar image
greg-walton asked

MPPT error 119

I have new sites which have this error. The manual says that it is a loss of communication and just to uncouple the cables and start again but the error persists. I am not sure that it isn't a gx error but it has been on the last 4 mppts that we have installed. Does anyone else have this issue and have you been able to fix it?

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Seems like a bad error. Contact your supplier for advice and possible warranty.

Err 119 - Settings data lost

The charger cannot read its configuration, and stopped.

This error will not auto-reset. To get it working again:

  1. First, restore it to factory defaults. (top right in Victron Connect, click on the three dots)

  2. Disconnect the charge controller from all power-sources

  3. wait 3 minutes, and power up again.

  4. Reconfigure the charger.

Please do report this to your Victron dealer and ask him to escalate it to Victron; as this error should never happen. Preferably include firmware version and any other specifics (VRM URL, VictronConnect screenshots or similar).

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pierre-samec avatar image
pierre-samec answered ·

Greg, we seem to have a problem very similar to yours. Did you ever get resolution?

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