
hg6806 avatar image
hg6806 asked

Adding OpenWB in VRM of MultiPlus-II GX

Hello All,

I have a new MultiPlus-II 48/3000 GX with a Pylontech Battery. SMA STP and SHM2.0 are already added at the device list

How can I add now my OpenWB Wallbox?

Or do I need therefore VenusOS?

For what I need VenusOS at all?

Thanks for clarifing.

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1 Answer
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @hg6806

Venus os is the operating system running a GX device. As your titles notes you have a Multiplus-ii GX model which has a GX device running venus os built in.

I'm not familiar with OpenWN wallbox however if you know some python and it has an the OpennWB has an API then you can probably integrate it yourself.

This might help, some good advice in here:
How can I forward Home consumption from OpenWB to Venus OS by MQTT? - Victron Community (

It depends how much detail/control you want though. If you just want to monitor power consumption then you can just add a ET112 or similar supported energy meter before the OpenWB (note this wont show in dashboard as AC load meters dont show up but it will be visible in advanced tab on VRM)

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