
joeglennie avatar image
joeglennie asked

synchronise bluesolar 100v50 controllers

I have 2 victron blue solar MPPT 100V50A controllers fed from 2 separate solar panel strings that face in slightly different directions. They are feeding one 12V 600AH sonnenschein A600 solar battery bank.

I would like to know if I can use a cable to synchronise the two controllers as I notice they are sometimes in different phases of charging. ie one can be in bulk or absorb while the other one may be in float.

I do not want bluetooth connection

They are both connected with 10mm2 cables to a common bus bar that is connected to the battery with 50mm2 cables.

Thanks Joe Glennie

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


They are not designed to work conected together without a GX in between or a BT smart network.

Alot of times they don't even need to be synchronised as in the same charge state.

The different 'charge states' in your set up will really be because one is sending a bit of current the other is not. Your battery probably doesn't need anything more at that stage.

If the battery is being charged correctly then it is unnecessary.

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