
dan-baker avatar image
dan-baker asked

Low battery light on the inverter

Multi plus 2 48v/5000

I have a low battery light on the inverter. First time use . And no other lights on the inverter. And inverter not working.

All settings have been inputed via mk3

Mk3 plugged in and software is telling me battery is at 53v.

Battery are life po4, all connections are tight and cable length is about 1.2 meters.

When viewing the dashboard on the app it says inverter in sustain.

Also viewing the remote console there seems to be some settings missing compared to my neighbours exact same system.

Has anyone got ideas what may be up with this.


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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Dan Baker

I qm assuming you have installed at least to the min spec required.

Sustain is triggered usually when the voltage us pulled under the ESS assistant values for a bit. So you may need to adjust those.

See notes related to low battery warnings a bit further down the page.


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