
grrr avatar image
grrr asked

Do all MPPTs of a BMS-managed system need to be identical or are there compatibility issues?

I have a system with 2 Smartsolar MPPT 250/70 for different PV strings. For additional PV-Strings I would like to add a MPPT 250/100 which would be connected via the exisiting USB-HUB together with the two existing MPPT 250/70 to the Color Control GX. Is this ok to be managed jointly by the BMS (Pylontech LIFE)?

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You can mix as match, as long as they are connected via CAN/vedirect it doesn't matter.

CAN ports might restrict this a bit as ve.can runs at 250kb and the BMS at 500kb, so if you don't have one of each, then you're a bit stuck.

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