
dcladdpe avatar image
dcladdpe asked

DC Input Low Shut Down - Where do I set it?

I have a 12/3000/120, CCGX and BMV-712. I do not have the USB programing device for the MultiPlus.

I can't find the "DC Input Low Shutdown" to shut the diverter down when I hit my 50% battery life. The battery manufacture recommends a starting point of 11.9V for the shutdown point.

Where should I set this up? I have the voltage alarm/reset programmed in the BMV-712, but don't see where it will shut the inverter down, only that it will alarm.

Any help getting this programmed is appreciated.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Elimac avatar image
Elimac answered ·

Since you have CCGX, you could enable internet access and make use of the VRM Portal. Then, you go to:

Device List - Remote VEConfigure

And you can upload a file for your Multiplus. This file should be downloaded at first FROM your Multiplus, also trough VRM Portal. Then, it must be edited on your PC with VE Config software.

The option you are looking for is here.

Be careful what you change.

Fianally, you can upload it again in VRM Portal / Remote VEConfigure.

1559094218155.png (17.6 KiB)
2 |3000

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