
ukxan avatar image
ukxan asked

3S2P query

Good evening,

my setup:


RS 450/100



I have CANADIAN SOLAR 410WX6,can I connect 2 strings in parallel with each string having 3 panels in series for the inbuilt ES2 GX MPPT 250/70 (as it has onlt 1 tracker)? Can the positive of each string be joined together to go to the + of the MPPT controller and likewise for the 2 negative terminals of the 2 strings to go to -ve of the MPPT controller?The RS 450/100 has its own 2 strings.

Many thanks

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Jons Collasius avatar image
Jons Collasius answered ·

That goes without a hitch. I have practically the same set-up with three modules per string and two strings in parallel.

Both positive poles of the strings go to PV+ and both negative poles go to PV -. Double check the correct polarity.

However, the modules of the strings should be aligned in the same way, i.e. not east/west.

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