
svviolethour avatar image
svviolethour asked

Multiplus "Stop after excessive bulk" is dependent on enabling Multiplus battery monitor

Why does VEConfigure require the Multiplus "battery monitor" be enabled in order to do bulk overcharge protection? I would like to use the excessive bulk protection (stops after 10 hours) but some Multiplus guides (ex, on PKYS) advise not to use the Multiplus battery monitor because it won't be accurate when other charging sources are in the system (we have solar MPPTs).

I don't see why the Multiplus needs battery monitor enabled for bulk protection. It knows how long it's been in bulk for; surely it should be able to count to 10 (10 hours).

I can enable battery monitor just to use this feature, but are there any other downsides to doing this?

System includes lithium bank (Kilovault), Multiplus 2000, CerboGX, GX 50, SmartShunt, MPPT.

Seems like I just will need to make sure my Cerbo is set to use the SmartShunt for battery monitoring rather than the Multiplus. But I still don't see why Victron requires this setting be turned on in order to use bulk protection?

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1 Answer
svviolethour avatar image
svviolethour answered ·

FYI I discovered that VictronConnect on Windows (connecting via MK3 adapter) doesn't have this bug. There I can enable bulk protection without having battery monitor on. So this is only a bug in the latest VEConfigure 3.

My Victron dealer told me VEConfigure is old software and not the preferred way of doing things anymore (VictronConnect over Mk3 cable is). I don't know whether that's the universal opinion - and Victron's documentation still covers VEConfigure without indicating it's deprecated.

I prefer VEConfigure because I can do remote configure through VRM, which saves the trouble of opening up the access to the Multiplus and plugging in an MK3 adapter. Hopefully VEConfigure3 is still going to be maintained and updated (or VictronConnect made to work with VRM remote upload).

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