
kalou avatar image
kalou asked

Charger victron 3kw

Hello there, why do the converter victron starts charging when the battery is in floating mode? Thanks for your answer.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The charger will start charging again when the rebulk offset voltage triggers it. So just as the battery drops under your float voltage.

Re-bulk voltage offset

This setting sets the re-bulk voltage offset. This offset voltage is used to determine when a charge stage stops and the bulk stage starts again, i.e. the charge cycle resets and starts at the first charge stage again.

The re-bulk voltage is calculated by adding the re-bulk voltage offset to the lowest voltage setting (normally this is the float stage).

An example: If the re-bulk offset is set at 0.1V and the float voltage at 13.8V, the charge cycle will restart once the battery voltage drops below 13.7V (13.8 minus 0.1) for one minute.

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kalou avatar image
kalou answered ·


But it doesnt do it everyday... i want to preserve my batteries but i dont want to use the charge to often (second source ) as i tend towards autonomy

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